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Competition Conditions



  1. The use of video cameras, cameras and mobile phones is strictly prohibited.  Patrons are warned that unauthorised filming or photography of any performance is not only a contravention of the Copyright Act but can also contravene areas of the Child Protection Act particularly when mobile phones are used. Offenders will be removed from the theatre. 
  2. All notifications are to be made to the Secretary by email: devonporteisteddfod@yahoo.com.au
  3. The Eisteddfod is open to amateurs only, excepting in “Open” classes which are for competitors of any age - professional or amateur.
  4. A competitor's age shall be determined as at JANUARY 1 2024. A competitor’s Certificate of Birth may be requested.
  5. Competitors are responsible for royalty payments, if any. The Society will accept no responsibility for copyright infringements. Copyright Bylaw: Entrants may perform only from original or licensed copies from publishers. Photocopies for accompanists and adjudicators must be destroyed after the performance.
  6. A competitor must not use the same item more than once during the Eisteddfod.
  7. Where competitors are performing in solo/duo/trio classes, no competitor shall be allowed to appear twice in that class.
  8. A competitor’s dress, grooming, posture and presentation are an important part of their performance and will be taken into consideration by the Adjudicator.
  9. Competitors who restart a performance will be awarded points and/or placings at the Adjudicator’s discretion.
  10. Competitors will not be transferred from one class to another if incorrectly entered unless the error is the fault of the Committee. Please check thoroughly your entry invoice and if an error appears please contact the Committee immediately.  All competitors must appear in the order as shown in the program.
  11. Movement in the auditorium during a performance will not be permitted.  Patrons are requested to wait until the end of each section before moving, thereby giving competitors the respect they deserve. Only the teacher and one assistant to be backstage.
  12. Performers are only to use the stage stairs at the direction of the Usher.
  13. The Committee reserves the right for the media or official photographers to be present for promotional purposes. Competitors’ names or photographs may be used by the media for this purpose. If for any reason competitors photographs are not to be publicized, it is the responsibility of the school or guardian to provide notice in writing/email to the Secretary prior to the Eisteddfod commencing. A photo disclaimer is also available in Stardom.
  14. The Adjudicator has the right to disqualify any competitor whose item is deemed unsuitable.
  15. Time limits in all classes will be STRICTLY MONITORED. An item may be shorter than the limit specified, but not exceed it. Entrants whose performance exceeds the time limit may forfeit any placing and be eligible for comments only.
  16. Under no circumstances, before completion of the relevant discipline, can a competitor, parent or teacher approach or address the adjudicator.
  17. Signed protests in writing must be lodged with the Secretary within one hour of adjudication, together with a deposit of $50.00. This amount will be forfeited if the protest is deemed unsuccessful. In all questions and disputes, whether covered by the general conditions or otherwise, the decision of the Committee shall be accepted as final.
  18. The Committee reserves the right to substitute adjudicators.  
  19. Props and Scenery.  Props are defined as simple hand-held items that competitors can bring on stage by THEMSELVES and are only permitted if actually used in the routine/performance. Examples of these are a bunch of flowers, a teddy bear or basket, etc. There will be two chairs, a small table and a coat stand available for competitor use. Each entrant is responsible for placing and removing their items on stage; the STAGE MANAGER MAY assist. Parents and teachers are not allowed to assist with any props. All props must be removed from the venue immediately after use. All props should be mess free (no straw, glitter) and be able to be cleaned from stage immediately by the competitor. No lighted candles, sparklers, or any naked flames are permitted. NO FREE-STANDING SCENERY IS ALLOWED. For clarification regarding this ruling please contact the Secretary.
  20. All house lights, stage lights and curtain will be controlled by the technician or Stage Manager.
  21. No outside electrical equipment is permitted to be used on stage.
  22. Entries are via Stardom. Entry fees must be paid in order to validate your entry.  Unpaid entries will be automatically deleted after 5 days. Primary and high school entries unable to pay at time of entry are to notify the Secretary at time of entry.
  23. The Committee will endeavour to accommodate all reasonable requests but reserves the right to the final decision. ALL requests must be in writing and forwarded to the Secretary.
  24. All care will be taken in compiling the schedule and the program. The Committee reserves the right to alter or amend the program at any time.
  25. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry and will not be responsible for any incorrect entry.
  26. If less than three entries are received in any class, the Committee reserves the right to cancel or combine classes. Classes with only one entry will proceed at the discretion of the Committee.
  27. In all classes in which not more than three competitors perform, only first prize will be paid.
  28. In the event of a tie for first place, the first and second prize money will be divided equally between the tied competitors. In this case there will be no second prize awarded. In the event of a tie for second place, the second-place prize money will be divided between the competitors.
  29. Aggregate awards will be allocated points on the basis of 3 for first, 2 for second and 1 for third.
  30. All prizes are not refundable or transferable.
  31. All engravings of perpetual trophies are the responsibility of the recipient, to be complete before returning to the Eisteddfod Committee. Perpetual Trophies are to be returned by the commencement of the Discipline.
  32. The Society does not accept liability for loss or injury to persons or property during the Eisteddfod.


  1. The venue and piano are not available for rehearsals during the competitions.
  2. All Competitors and accompanists must arrive 15 minutes prior to commencement of session (not class).
  3. PRIOR TO ARRIVAL teachers or students must ensure that the adjudicator’s copy of all music is stapled together and clearly labelled with competitor's name, class number, competitor number and have all bars numbered.  All piano and instrumental competitors must also provide title of piece and composer's name. The adjudicator’s music score/s, with bars numbered, are to be handed in at the registration desk at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the session. FAILURE TO PROVIDE MUSIC/LYRICS MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION.
  4. Use of microphone will not be permitted unless specified.
  5. Piano or instrumental accompaniment may be used.
  6. Competitors must arrange their own accompanist.
  7. Recorded accompaniment must be uploaded to Stardom by AUGUST 25 2024 and be instrumental music ONLY. All teachers should have a back-up of music on a phone style device and may be responsible for starting the music for the performance. No CD or USB options are available.
  8. In all stage, film or musical theatre classes, competitors MUST clearly mark on the adjudicator’s copy the name of the musical show from which the song is selected.
  9. In piano classes arranged music as listed in an examination syllabus will be acceptable.
  10. Original compositions are to be in the hands of the secretary by AUGUST 1 2024, together with a signed declaration stating it is a completely original work by the composer. The Committee will not be held responsible for any original composition music not claimed on the day of the performance.
  11. Groups (including schools) are requested to use a group name NOT competitor names, and for multiple entries for the school/group to add a letter (A, B, C – not numbers). The use of numbers causes confusion for competitors and volunteers as they do not correspond with the performance numbers in the programme. The names of the students performing a solo/duo/trio in a school entry, need to be emailed to the Secretary by AUGUST 19 2024.
  12. The conductor of any vocal or verse speaking choir may be professional. Members of competing choirs must be bona-fide members of that choir. Conductors must not sing or speak with any choir. Choirs may be disqualified for any breach of this rule.
  13. Secondary and primary school choir members must be from one specific school. Up to 3 small rural schools may be permitted to amalgamate.
  14. All groups and/or bands needing stage seating supplied by the Devonport Eisteddfod Society, are required to email their requirements to the Secretary by AUGUST 19 2024.
  15. All teachers must wear a badge clearly displaying their name and school to enable them free admission. All parent help will be required to purchase a ticket from the ticket box upon arrival. Teachers who do not have a school badge (eg private instructors) can organise a Teacher’s Pass at the Eisteddfod Office.
  16. The backstage area is out of bounds to members of the public.
  17. Performers are only to use the stage stairs at the direction of an Usher.
  18. Stage wings are out of bounds to all persons except teachers, competitors and accompanists performing in the current class, at the Stage Manger’s discretion.

ACCOMPANISTS:  The following pianists are available for accompanying this year. Please contact them a few weeks prior to the eisteddfod to ensure their availability on the day required.

Dominique Baker 0455 568 742 or Petrina Jahnz 0417 509 695



  1. The Stage Manager will be in complete charge backstage.
  2. All teachers must wear a badge clearly displaying their name and school to enable them free admission. All helpers will be required to purchase a ticket from the ticket box upon arrival.
  3. Stage Door Registration (Town Hall Theatre). Teachers are required to provide a list of all competitors to the stage door attendant on arrival. Competitors must sign in and out on this form each time they report backstage. The stage door attendant is in full control of all noise levels and movement in backstage area.
  4. Companies will be allowed 10 mins for setting up their stage and 5 mins for striking.
  5. Groups will be responsible for the provision, safe keeping and removal of their own equipment, properties, costumes, etc.
  6. Groups are urged to have their own stage manager, who will be responsible for all cues i.e. sound and curtain.
  7. Groups (including schools) are requested to use a group name NOT competitor names, and for multiple entries for the school/group to add a letter (A, B, C – not numbers). The use of numbers causes confusion for competitors and volunteers as they do not correspond with the performance numbers in the programme.
  8. Student names (if entered by school name or nickname) for solos, duos and trios need to be emailed to the secretary by August 26 2024 (one week prior to Speech & Drama Eisteddfod commencing).
  9. A copy of any set piece in speech classes will be supplied to all competitors by June 8. Scripture readings will be from the Revised Standard Version.  
  10. POETRY: In ‘Own selection’ recitations one poem ONLY should be performed.
  12. Competitor does not recite poem, unless specified as a recitation class.
  13. Recitation original poem cannot also be entered in an adjudication only class.
  14. Competitors may only enter one poem in each class.
  15. The subject matter to be own choice and the poem to consist of not more than 48 lines. 
  16. Poems must be on A4 paper and forwarded to the Committee by the August 16 2024.
  17. MIME: No music or sound effects to be used in mime classes.
  18. TIME WARP/SPACE JUMP. The first team member creates a scene for 30 seconds. A bell is rung and this actor freezes. The second team member enters and initiates a new scene. The two team members present this new scene for 30 seconds, when a second bell is rung. A third actor enters, and another scene is performed for 30 seconds, when a third bell signals the actors to freeze. The last team member enters, and all actors present another scene for 60 seconds duration and freeze on the fourth bell. The fourth team member leaves the stage, and the remaining three actors resume the scene for 30 seconds from the point at which they froze prior to the entry of the fourth actor. On the fifth bell the third actor exits, and the remaining two actors resume their scene at its point of departure for 30 seconds, when a sixth bell rings, and the second actor leaves the stage. The remaining actor resumes the initial scene for 30 seconds and freezes when a bell indicates the conclusion of the performance.
  19. CREATIVE INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE. 2 or more of the Arts (eg. Dance, Music, etc.) may be combined with a spoken word element. Marks awarded for costumes and entertainment value.
  20. PROPS AND SCENERY.  See Item 19 in General Conditions.

  1. A competitor’s age shall be determined as at January 1 2024. 
  2. All competitors, teachers and assistants must leave the auditorium, backstage and dressing rooms within 15 minutes of the completion of the session.?
  3. All Competitors are required to purchase a Dance Pass from the Town Hall Theatre Box Office ($20). Dance Season Passes ($30) can also be purchased from the Town Hall Theatre Box Office. PASSES ARE NON REFUNDABLE AND CANNOT BE SHARED BETWEEN COMPETITORS OR PATRONS.
  4. STAGE DOOR SIGN IN.? Teachers are required to provide a list of all competitors to the stage door attendant on arrival. Competitors must sign in and sign out on this form each time they report backstage. This is required for evacuation purposes. The stage door attendant is in full control of all noise levels and movement in backstage area. 
  5. REGISTRATION DESK: This will be situated back stage, past the stage door entry. All competitors are required to register their attendance for each class and for each session, at the registration desk. Signing in and out at Stage Door is not registering.
  6. All Music is to be uploaded to Stardom one week prior to the start of the Dance Eisteddfod (by August 14 2024). Audio equipment is to be operated by the theatre technician only. Teachers may have a back up copy on a device and may be responsible for starting the music if the backup device is required. No CDs/USBs can be used for performance. Competitors must use the equipment and speakers provided.
  7. CLASSICAL: Traditional and formal style of ballet that exclusively employs classical ballet techniques.  
  8. NEO-CLASSICAL & LYRICAL: Expressive dance based on classical ballet techniques using music from either classical or modern composers. 
  9. CONTEMPORARY: Expressive dance combining elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, ballroom, lyrical and ballet using mostly modern up to date music. 
  10. CHARACTER/DEMI-CHARACTER: To portray a character through story. Mime or expressiveness with dance using classical techniques.
  11. JAZZ:? includes cabaret, disco, broadway and musical theatre. 
  12. SONG & DANCE: Any style may be used. All competitors must sing and dance. 
  13. HIP HOP: A grounded style which includes street, breaking, popping locking and commercial choreography. 
  14. FUNK: A strong, powerful aerobic dance made popular in the 1990's and incorporating an ‘Up-groove’. 
  15. NATIONAL: Stylized representation of traditional folk dance from other countries. Dance steps, costume, and music should be authentic of the country represented. 
  16. KICKING GROUPS: All kicks must be from the hip. Open - minimum of 100 kicks. 
  17. Groups must consist of 4 or more competitors. 
  18. Curtains may be used for groups only. The time limit for setting and striking stage is 1 min. 
  19. PROPRIETY:? Make-up, costumes and choreography should be suitable to the age of the dancers and suggestive lyrics/actions avoided. 
  20. PROPS AND SCENERY:? See General Conditions Item 19
  21. RESTRICTED: Competitors who have not received a 1st or 2nd?placing in the relevant dance style entered prior to 2023. Restricted competitors?cannot enter Championships.? 
  22. CHAMPIONSHIPS: Can only be entered by dancers who have been?placed 1st or 2nd in the relevant dance style in the last 3 years,?(excluding restricted sections). Championship competitors cannot compete in the non-champion class of the championship style.
  23. All championship classes will be held on Sunday afternoon August 25 2024.


  1. All Competitors and accompanists must arrive 15 minutes prior to commencement of session (not class).
  2. PRIOR TO ARRIVAL teachers or students must ensure that the adjudicator’s copy of all music is stapled together and clearly labelled with competitor's name, class number, competitor number and have all bars numbered.  All piano and instrumental competitors must also provide title of piece and composer's name. The adjudicator’s music score/s, with bars numbered, are to be handed in at the registration desk at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the session.
  3. Competitors must not use the same item more than once during the competitions nor in more than two consecutive years. No competitor may use the same piece with which they have won a first prize at these competitions until an elapse of two Eisteddfod years.
  4. A trumpet or french horn will not be accepted as a brass band instrument.
  5. NOVICE: One who has not won a first place on a brass instrument at any competition prior to JANUARY 1 2024.
  6. Band players must wear uniform.
  7. Time limits will be STRICTLY ENFORCED by the official timekeeper.