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Devonport Eisteddfod Society History

In 1921 the Devonport Musical and Literary competitions opened in the Majestic Theatre, Devonport. These competitions were held annually up to and including 1939. At a special meeting held on 20th November, 1939 it was resolved that the Society go into recess during the coming year owing to World War 11, and waning public interest.

In 1948, the instigation of the Rotary Club of Devonport and the then Warden of Devonport, Cr. H.E. Haslock, convened a public meeting at which a committee was formed. The title ‘Devonport Eisteddfod Society’ was adopted. Since 1948 the Society has prospered and become well known and popular with teachers and competitors throughout the State. 

Recently, the Devonport City Council became the major sponsor of the annual competition. This competition is now known as the ‘City of Devonport Eisteddfod’.

It has been the Society’s aim to provide a venue for performers of the arts to perform publicly and to provide for qualified adjudication on performances. The Society fosters an enthusiasm within the community for continued interest in and support for the arts, with particular emphasis on young performers.